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Signature Fragrance Blend Recipes | Autumn Edition

Autumn fragrance blend ideas

Welcome to our Signature Fragrance Blend Recipes: Autumn Edition! Below, you'll discover some of our absolute favorite fall-inspired fragrance combinations, perfect for sparking creativity in your next seasonal project. These blends are tried-and-true, handpicked from both our in-house creations and the amazing suggestions from our MWFC community members. Whether you're looking to capture the essence of crisp autumn air, warm spices, or something with a spooky Halloween twist for your candles, soaps, or other creations, these ideas will help you get started!

Each recipe includes a detailed breakdown of the autumn fragrances we used, along with the exact percentages to help you achieve the same stunning results. Plus, we've even added some name suggestions to give your custom creations that perfect seasonal touch. Consider these recipes your springboard—take them, make them your own, and let your creativity soar!

NOTE: If you're making products intended for skin contact, be sure to reference your IFRA guidelines to ensure you're within the max usage rates!

Blend Ideas
Name of Oils Used Percentages Name Suggestion
Macintosh Apple & Pumpkin Pecan Waffles Equal Parts Apple Pumpkin Waffles
Zucchini Bread & Toasted Pumpkin Spice Equal Parts Eerie-sistable
Espresso & Marshmallow Fireside Equal Parts Witches’ Brew
Peach Nectar & Cinnamon Spice Cake Equal Parts Spooky Snacks
Sugared Vanilla Wafflecone, Cotton Candy Dreams, Caramel Maple Swirl 60% SVW / 30% CCD / 10% CMS Tricks & Treats
Dragon’s Blood & Roasted Pine Cone Equal Parts Zombie Apocalypse
Palo Santo & Roasted Pine Cone Equal Parts Spooky Season
Sweater Weather & Fresh Mint + Eucalyptus Equal Parts Calm Your Spirits
Lavender & Cotton Candy Dreams Equal Parts Sugar Coma
Pumpkin Caramel Crunch & Sugar Cookie Royale Equal Parts Shake Your Pumpkin!
Toasted Pumpkin Spice & Honey Cornbread Equal Parts Autumn Cornbread
Dark Amber Rosewood & Blazing Bonfire Equal Parts Fright Night
Toasted Pumpkin Spice, Marshmallow Fireside & Gingerbread 60% TPS / 30% MF / 10% GB Oh My Gourd!
Cranberry Woods & Roasted Pine Cone Equal Parts Woodland Walk
Roasted Pine Cone, Leaves & Dark Amber Rosewood 60% RPC / 30% DAR / 10% L Haunted Hayride
Warm Apples + Peaches & Bourbon Butterscotch 70% WA+P / 30% BB Happy Fall, Y’all!
Pumpkin Pecan Waffles & Dark Roast 80% PPW / 20% DR Good Mornin’, Pumpkin
Palo Santo, Cocoa Butter Cashmere & Dark Amber Rosewood 40% PS / 40% CBC / 20% DAR Happy Haunts
Oceanside Air & Blazing Bonfire Equal Parts Beachside Bonfire
Iced Vanilla Woods & Oakmoss + Amber 80% IVW / 20% O+A Grey Sweatpants Season
Honey Spiced Pear & Leaves Equal Parts Harvest Moon
Chocolate & Marshmallow Fireside Equal Parts Hot Chocolate
Macintosh Apple & Caramel Maple Swirl 60% MA / 40% CMS Caramel Apples
Brown Sugar + Fig & Lavender Equal Parts Calm Before The Game
Vanilla Bliss & Patchouli 70% P / 30% VB Thankful & Blessed
Blazing Bonfire & Palo Santo Equal Parts By The Fire
Apple Cider + Oak & Leaves Equal Parts Spiced Autumn Ale
Peppercorn + Pomander & Spiced Vanilla + Cinnamon Equal Parts Grandma’s Kitchen
Chestnut + Birch & Vanilla Bliss 70% C+B / 30% VB Vanilla Chestnuts
Macintosh Apple + Toasted Pumpkin Spice Equal Parts Falls to the Wall!
Apple Cider + Oak & Orange Cranberry Spice Equal Parts Orange Cranberry Cider
Toasted Pumpkin Spice & Espresso Equal Parts Pumpkin Spice Latte
Peach Nectar & Warm Apples + Peaches Equal Parts Peach Cobbler
Toasted Pumpkin Spice & Blazing Bonfire 60% BB / 40% TPS Roasted Pumpkins
Oatmeal Milk + Honey & Spiced Vanilla + Cinnamon 70% OM+H / 30% SV+C Honey Spiced Oats
Marshmallow Fireside & Blazing Bonfire Equal Parts Campfire Marshmallows
Pumpkin Caramel Crunch & White Cake Equal Parts Pumpkin Cheesecake
Toasted Pumpkin Spice & Iced Almond Cookies 70% IAC / 30% TPS Iced Pumpkin Cookies
Cranberry + Clove & Christmas Cabin Equal Parts Autumn Cranberry
Apple Cider Donut & Gingerbread 60% ACD / 40% GB Apple Cider Gingerbread
Pike’s Peak & Leaves 70% PP / 30% L Autumn Air
Macintosh Apple & Balsam Fir Equal Parts Apples & Pine
Flannel & Sweater Weather 70% F / 30% SW Flannel Sweater
Macintosh Apple & Spiced Vanilla + Cinnamon Equal Parts Cinnamon Apples
Chestnut + Birch & Palo Santo 80% C+B / 20% PS Roasted Chestnuts
Bourbon Butterscotch & Marshmallow Fireside 70% MF / 30% BB Butterscotch Marshmallows
French Bourbon Reserve & Bourbon Butterscotch 60% FBR / 40% BB Hot Buttered Rum


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