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Signature Fragrance Blend Recipes | Elegant & Chic Edition

elegant fragrance blend ideas

Welcome to our Signature Fragrance Blend Recipes: Elegant & Chic Edition! Below, you'll discover some of our most graceful and sophisticated fragrance combinations, perfect for adding a touch of timeless elegance to your next creative project. These blends have been carefully curated from our own in-house creations and the wonderful suggestions from our amazing MWFC community members. Whether you're crafting a candle, soap, or another product, these chic blends are designed to help you achieve that perfect balance of refinement and charm.

Each recipe includes a detailed breakdown of the fragrances we used, along with precise percentages to help you recreate these stunning scents. We've also sprinkled in some name ideas to give your creations a polished, personal touch. Think of these recipes as your starting point—make them your own and let your creativity shine!

NOTE: If you're creating products that will be applied to the skin, remember to reference your IFRA guidelines to ensure you're staying within the max usage rates.

MWFC Elegant & Chic Blend Ideas
Name of Oils Used Percentages Name Suggestions
Baja Cactus Blossom & Raspberry Sangria Equal Parts Summer Oasis Cocktail
White Tea & Pink Guava Equal Parts Guava Hibiscus Tea
Lilac & Marshmallow Fireside Equal Parts Marshmallow Lilac
Strawberry Pound Cake & Iced Vanilla Woods 90% SPC / 10% IVW Strawberry Musk
Georgia Peach & White Tea 75% GP / 25% WT Peach Tea
Sea Salt + Orchid & Cocoa Butter Cashmere 75% SSO / 25% CBC Boat Waves + Sun Rays
Sweater Weather & Pink Guava Equal Parts Striped Sweater
Cotton Candy Dreams & Baja Cactus Blossom Equal Parts Summer Dreams
Strawberry Peach Champagne, Raspberry Sangria & Baja Cactus Blossom 50% SPC / 25% RS / 25% BCB Summer Moscato
Brown Sugar + Fig & Lavender Equal Parts Brown Sugar Lavender
Cotton Candy Dreams & Lavender Equal Parts Sugar Coma
Strawberry Peach Champagne & Georgia Peach 75% SPC / 25% GP Bubbly Peach Champagne
Cactus + Sea Salt & Raspberry Sangria Equal Parts Raspberry Cactus Cooler
Clean Cotton & Pink Sugar Equal Parts Sparkling Clean
Clean Cotton, Sweet Strawberry & Vanilla Bliss 70% CC / 20% SS / 10% VB Sugared Pink Cotton
Georgia Peach & Pink Sugar Equal Parts Peachy Perfection
Pink Guava & Pink Sugar Equal Parts Sugared Pink Guava
Love Spell & Rose Bouquet 70% LS / 30% RB Enchanted Garden
Love Spell & Georgia Peach 60% LS / 40% GP Kiss My Peach
Dark Kiss & Vanilla Bliss 70% DK / 30% VB Dark Vanilla Passion
Love Spell & Vanilla Bliss 60% LS / 40% VB Sweet Love
Dark Kiss & Pink Sugar Equal Parts Sugar Lips
Love Spell & Black Sea Equal Parts Salty Girlfriend
Rose Bouquet & Black Cherry Merlot 60% RB / 40% BCM Black Rose Sangria
Lavender, Lemon Sugar Cake & Pink Sugar 40% L / 40% LSC / 20% PS Lemon Lavender Cupcakes
Bamboo + Teakwood & Lilac Equal Parts Basket of Flowers
Peach Nectar & Black Currant + Absinthe Equal Parts Saturn’s Rings
Peach Nectar & Coastal Waters Equal Parts Bellini Sunrise
Honeydew + Coconut Cream & Oceanside Air Equal Parts Morning in Paradise
Honeydew + Coconut Cream & Sea Salt + Orchid 60% H+CC / 40% SS+O Honeydew Blossoms
Honeydew + Coconut Cream & Cocoa Butter Cashmere Equal Parts Cream of the Crop
Cherry Lemonade Twist & Pink Sugar Equal Parts Sugared Cherry Spark
Grapefruit + Mint & Dark Kiss Equal Parts Rhinestone Eyes
Oceanside Air & Seasalt + Orchid 60% OA / 40% SO Oceanic Blooms
Pink Sugar & Oceanside Air 70% PS / 30% OA Sea Salt Taffy
Cherry Lemonade Twist & Dark Kiss Equal Parts Drinks After Dark
Peach Nectar & Strawberry Peach Champagne Equal Parts Peachy and Bubbly
Peach Nectar & Sea Salt & Orchid 60% PN / 40% SSO Sweet Summer Orchid
Peach Nectar & Lilac Equal Parts Peach Blossoms
Oceanside Air & Sea Salt + Orchid 70% OA / 30% SSO Ocean Romance
Oceanside Air & Pink Sugar Equal Parts Sea Salt Taffy
Oceanside Air & Cactus + Sea Salt Equal Parts Clean & Refreshed
Coastal Waters & Love Spell 70& CW / 30% LS Love by the Sea
Galactic Skies & Strawberry Peach Champagne 60% SPC / 40% GS Sunset Champagne


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